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American Rescue Plan (ARP)

EMHCS is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all students as we navigate the Covid-19 pandemic. We have a committee of staff, teachers, administrators, students, parents and community partners whose task it was to determine the needs of the staff and students. The committee looked at data provided from report cards, formative tests, iReady and Illuminate reports. We surveyed the teachers, students, and parents/guardians. The surveys were presented online, on paper, and over the phone in Spanish and English. Once the needs were identified, the committee developed a wish list of products and services that could meet those needs. We then took stock of what was already available within the school and the school's budget. From there, we prioritized products and services that will best address the needs of our students while being sustainable with the allocated ARP funds. This committee remains focused on the plan to utilize these funds and making sure the plan is properly implemented and sustained.

The committee will continue to meet at least every 6 months to analyze current data and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan in order to update the plan. New members from stakeholder groups will also be sought to join the team and provide feedback on the plan. The committee will engage in frequent reflection and evaluation to ensure the plan is adapted to the ever-changing learning environments brought about by the pandemic.

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